Diagnostic Follicle Tracking

Are you trying to get pregnant, have you now identified yourself as TTC on social media forums?

If you have been trying for about 6 months and you are timing your ovulation window correctly you may like to look at our GP led fertility screening package.


This is where our GPs in Arlington house medical centre who have a special interest in fertility will work with our specialist fertility radiographer to ensure you are your optimum health for conceiving.

Our diagnostic follicle tracking package

Is geared towards women who have taken the first steps of their fertility journey. Our 3 stage scans will track your follicle from a dominant follicle prior to ovulation to maturity at the time of ovulation and then follow up with a post ovulation scan to confirm the follicle has ruptured and ovulation has successfully occurred.

A full diagnostic report will be issued to you at the end with a recommendation if you need further assessment. Our diagnostic follicle tracking package have seen successful results with patients utilising the information that they have gained from the scans to time their intercourse correctly at their peak ovulation with the result of successful pregnancy.
If you are new to follicle tracking – please book in for our starter consultation to map out your menstrual cycle first and co-ordinate the follicle tracking scans.

Our 5 appointment programme looks in depth to assess your fertility potential by looking at hormone blood levels and other biological markers for fertility in your body.

Our follicle tracking ultrasound is a diagnostic structural assessment of your reproductive organs that identifies your ovulation window by tracking your follicle. Antral follicle counts and uterine and endometrium morphology are also included.